We have many different settings making it possible to tailor your route construction in Avinode.
By default, the system routes you to your next scheduled activity after a finished trip. This is the case for both ferry- and mandatory activities. If you want to change this, you can edit your routing rules for the second leg/last leg with the steps below.
1. Go to Aircraft → Routing Profiles
2. If this is your first time visiting this page, there will be only one default profile. To edit it, click anywhere on the same row.
3. In the second paragraph of the Routing Rules, you will find the setting for the routing of your aircraft's second leg.
Mandatory Activities - By default, the system routes you to the next activity in your schedule (e.g. PAX leg, maintenance etc). With this setting, you can define other routing rules to apply for the second leg if it occurs within the given amount of days. This will allow Avinode to consider skipping scheduled ferry legs, in favour of PAX legs that move your aircraft closer to the next scheduled PAX activity. The default number of days here is 1.
Homebase - By entering a number in this box, Avinode will consider routing to your homebase if there are more than given amount of dates until next scheduled activity. E.g. entering number 5 here, will automatically route the aircraft back to homebase after a requested trip, if there are no other scheduled legs within the next 5 days.