iCal Export is a Schedaero integration that allows you to export custom calendars to your iPhone, iPad, and Outlook calendars.
Sync trips and schedule events to your calendar for quick reference and easy access.
Push schedules to stakeholders (aircraft and company owners) who want to be able to see movement but don’t need full access to Schedaero.
Opportunity for pilots with Android devices to easily view their flight schedule.
Ability to control what information gets displayed on the calendar link.
Remember, you can create any number of custom calendars and integrate with them; learn more.
How to get started
Creating the iCal Setup URL
Log into Schedaero and create a new custom calendar or select an existing one you wish to export. You may export as many calendars as needed (aircraft or role-specific, i.e., Charter Sales vs. a maintenance calendar).
Click the “Edit Calendar” button on the right.
Select your preference's and click save to generate the URL
Adding a new iPhone or iPad Calendar
Launch the Settings app on your iPhone or iPad.
Select Mail > Accounts, and click Add Account.
Select Other.
Select “Add Subscribed Calendar” under the Calendars section.
Enter or paste the calendar’s server location (URL) you copied from Schedaero. You will not need to enter user name or password information.
Click Save.