Adding Airport Notes:
To add an airport note, search for the airport code in the "quick tools box" or the magnifying glass on the top right hand of your screen:
A new airport window will populate on the screen when you search for the airport.
Enter any plain text notes into the NOTES field.
Save your notes.
Accessing Airport Notes:
Once notes have been input into the system, they can be easily viewed anywhere an airport code is listed in Schedaero:
When creating the quote
On the trip where airports are listed
On the quotes/requests page
On the Schedaero Crew App
Anywhere an airport is listed
To view the note, you can hover your mouse over the airport code to see the notes in the airport window:

Some examples of how Airport Notes can be used:
flagging special use airports
notes for sales and scheduling teams
notes on specific training requirements
logistic notes such as fuel or transportation information