The Wyvern and Schedaero integration is a one-way integration that sends currency, training, and aircraft times from Schedaero to Wyvern, eliminating the need for double entry!
Automatically send key information to Wyvern from Schedaero.
Pilot Information
Type Ratings
Training completion dates
Total pilot hours
Type rating hours
90 Day and 12 Month totals (from Schedaero flight logs)
Aircraft Information
All active aircraft
Safety dates
Aircraft hours/cycles/starts for airframe and engines
How to Get Started
Obtain credentials from Wyvern. Contact Wyvern to obtain the authentication credentials for the Schedaero integration. This is typically a username and password.
Turn on the integration: Go to Company→ Settings→Integrations Tab. Navigate to the “Wyvern integration” section.
Select “Send pilot and aircraft data to Wyvern”
Enter the Wyvern credentials and click Save (located at the bottom of the page)
Once the credentials are saved, click on Send to Wyvern button. The system will send the data to Wyvern automatically every 15-30 minutes.
Integration setup: The Wyvern integration requires up-front setup to include all of your pilots and aircraft in the integration. Once the setup is complete, you won’t need to adjust any Wyvern settings moving forward, it will automatically send over all required information to Wyvern.
Pilot Set Up:
Confirm your system settings - Navigate to Company → Settings → General Tab. Navigate down to “Flight Logging Configuration”. Confirm that Update Pilot Times “Use flight logs to calculate historical pilot flight times” is selected. This will enable Schedaero to send flight logs to Wyvern to calculate pilots' total flight times.
Set up pilot records - Go to People → Crew and select the crew member to jump to their crew record.
Note: you will need to complete the following steps for any crew member you wish to be included in the integration. This includes any new pilots you might add to the system.
Also note that you need to add the pilot license and set to primary before clicking into edit crew information-
Check "Include in Wyvern integration" in the pop up:
Update pilot historical times - Scroll down on the pilot page to the Flight Times Section. Follow the link to “Edit historical flight times”:
Complete the PAST HOURS column. This is the total flight time for the pilot before starting with the company/Schedaero.
The flight logs column is the total time logged in Schedaero.
Flight Logs + Past Hours = Total Time.
Map your company's training - The final step in setting up pilot records is to map which Schedaero training item corresponds to which training item in WYVERN. Go to Company → Settings. In the Training tab select the pencil icon for the training item that corresponds to a training item in Wyvern. At the bottom of the edit training item window, there is another section. Select the 3rd party mapping drop-down and select the correct WYVERN Training Item.
- You can use the following table for suggested mappings:
Note: The dates for WYVERN will populate from Schedaero’s training and currency module, learn more!
Aircraft Set Up:
- Go to Aircraft → Fleet and select the pencil icon for any/all aircraft you want to include in the integration. Under the details tab, select “Include in Wyvern Integration”:
The aircraft information will automatically populate from the following areas. To update on WYVERN, the first update on Schedaero and the changes will push through to Wyvern automatically.
Aircraft hours/cycles/starts for airframe and engines are from the maintenance status pages in Schedaero.
Located under Aircraft → Fleet, edit the aircraft and modify the Amenities section at the bottom of the basics tab.
Q: I don’t see the ability to activate Wyvern for a pilot, why not?
A: Your pilot will need to have a primary pilot license active to activate Wyvern. Please make sure they have this in place by going to the pilot’s Docs and Addresses to add or edit a pilots license and make it primary.
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