Have specific fees that you need added to any quote for specific airports? See the below how-to to set this up for your account.
1. Start by going to the Aircraft → Fleet page.
2. Choose the aircraft you want to update. Click on the little pencil and paper icon on the right hand side to edit this aircraft.
3. On the next page, click on the tab Airports to edit airports.
4. To the right side and bottom of the page you will find a link called Create new. Click here to add airports manually.
(Should you have an excel file with many airport handling/landing fees, please contact us at and we will help you upload that.)
5. Type in the airport code you wish to add the rates to in the ICAO box. As you can see, you can also apply Pax rates either upon arrival or departure. Click save and the landing fee will be applied for this aircraft.
6. Bonus Tip: Just typing the two first letters in the ICAO code and then blank space will allow you to add rates to all airports in one country.
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