This line item is very common to use in pricing profiles, very often there is a minimum fee you will charge per day. To be more accurate in your pricing profile you can add a Minimum cost per day, minimum cost per trip or minimum flight time. That way if you get a request where the minimum is not reached the system will auto adjust your price.
To find this line item, go to Company → Settings → Pricing → Create new or edit the existing line item.
Minimum cost per day
Minimum cost per day auto adjusts so that the average cost per trip day is never less than the specified minimum. A trip day is defined as any day with activity away from home (we look at trips for a single calendar day). You can select the calculation base for this line item or :
On all line items - all active items in your pricing profile.
On Flight charges only - only on revenue and ferry fees and if those don't reach the minimum then the system auto adjust.
On taxable line items - all line items selected as taxable
Non taxable line items - line items created as not taxable
Minimum cost per trip
Minimum cost per trip auto adjusts so that the minimum cost per trip is never less than the specified minimum. Calculation will use the same base as for minimum daily fee.
Minimum flight time
Minimum rates will only be charged when a min flight time or distance is not met. Here you can select if you want to use this fee on distance or flight time. You have few option to select when to change this fee:
On trip days when flight time is less than minimum
On average flight time of all days is less than minimum
On average flight time of flying days is less than minimum
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