This article is an explanation of how to create a new schedule activity type or change an activity type mapping in Avinode for your integrated schedule
For manually updated schedule
To be able to add a new schedule activity to your Avinode schedule, you need to create an Activity Type first. You can create an Activity Type from scratch by clicking Add on the Schedule - Activity Types page in Avinode, see below.
Type in a name of your activity type.
Select the Avinode Equivalent from the drop down list. (You can read more about each equivalent type below)
Pick a color with the color picker or provide a HEX code. It will automatically populate the Display Color field with the color code.
If you have more than one activity type mapped to the same Avinode equivalent, you can select which one of them should be the default one, by ticking the Default Type checkbox.
Click Save.
For integrated schedule
When sending schedule data from your Flight Management Software to Avinode, you will need to map the activity type names in your system to the equivalent in Avinode. This is how the search engine will know how to interpret your schedule data correctly, and know when your aircraft is actually available or occupied.
The first time your schedule data is sent to Avinode, all activities will by default be interpreted as Occupied. Therefor it's important to change the default mapping to what they really mean in your system. See the section below to find all Avinode equivalents explained.
Avinode Equivalents explained
The following is a description of the different Avinode Equivalents, and how they are interpreted.
Empty Leg Availability
Activities with this type will be considered available in Aircraft Search. They will also be posted in Empty Leg Search.
Ferry Availability
Activities with this type will be considered available in Aircraft Search. The activity will not be marketed as an empty leg.
Flight Occupied
Activities with this type will be considered occupied in Aircraft Search. This activity type should be used for all PAX flight activities e.g. Part 135 or Part 91 operations.
During an activity of this type the aircraft will be considered occupied. This option should be used for all non-flight occupancy (e.g maintenance).
Onground Availability
During an activity of this type the aircraft will be considered available. This option can be used to indicate transient (away from home base) availability. The search algorithm will price the aircraft from the indicated airport, rather than home base. Note that sending activities of this type is not required.
Option Availability
This is an “information only” type. Activities mapped to this type will be shown in the Schedule for the aircraft, but does in no way effect the position of the aircraft, nor does it affect the availability of the aircraft. This can be used for non-confirmed trips etc.
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