If you are looking to create a scheduled trip that does not require a quote (Owner Flights, Maintenance Flights) go to Trips → Create Trip.
Create a Quote
Start by going to Trips → Create Quote and fill out the corresponding fields.
Requester: Enter the name of the customer requesting the quote. Schedaero will search your customer database for an existing customer record, but if this is a new customer you will be given the option to create a new customer record.
Aircraft: Select the aircraft you would like to use for this quote. Schedaero gives you the following options to choose from when selecting an aircraft:
Aircraft on your account
Generic aircraft categories
Enter the tail number of another operator’s aircraft.
NOTE: If the tail number of another operator is not in our database you can email a copy of the operators D085 to us at and we can add the aircraft to our system for you to quote.
Pricing: Select the pricing profile that you would like to apply to this quote. Information on creating pricing profiles can be found here.
Quote Name: You have the option to give the quote a name for internal reference.
Create the Itinerary

From & To: Enter the departure and arrival airports for this leg.
TIP: Hovering your mouse over the airport codes will display any airport notes your company has entered for that airport. See the FAQ section of this article to learn more about airport notes.

Depart: Enter the departure date and time. If the departure time is unknown, you can select TBD.
Stops: Add the number of stops, if any, that are needed for this leg. Click on the fuel pump icon to enter the airport you would like use for the stop.
Block: Shows the calculated block time for this leg based on your aircraft performance profile. This time can be edited if needed.
Duty: Shows the estimated duty time for this leg (time will be added if additional legs are entered).
Arrival: Shows the date and time of arrival for this leg based on the block time of the flight.
Pax: Add the number of passengers on this leg. If the number is unknown, you can select TBD.
Add Positioning Legs: Gives you the option to have Schedaero add or remove legs to the itinerary that will:
Position the aircraft from and back to the base airport
Position the aircraft from and back to its location on the departure date
Remove positioning
Once the itinerary is complete, pricing line items will populate based on the pricing profile you selected for this quote.

The Name, Count, and Rate of each pricing line item can be edited if needed.
Pricing line items can be deleted by clicking the trash can icon to the far right.
Additional line items can be added from the dropdown in the bottom left.
Finally, you can add additional aircraft, internal notes and a message to show on the PDF before saving your quote.

TIP: You can create default messages for your quote PDFs as well as your quote email messages by going to Company → Settings → Trips → Default Notes.
Editing Your Quote PDF:
Once you have a saved quote you will have the ability to customize the PDF before sending it to your client.
From the QUOTE DETAILS page select the "Edit"- button under Quote PDF as shown below.
A new window will open with a preview of your PDF and two drop down tabs.

Include additional pages: You can add additional pages to your PDF from your list of documents.

TIP: Documents can be added in Company → Settings → Documents
Customize: In this section you can chose from various options to customize the look and content on your PDF.

Quote Report: Select from the list of available templates.
Quote: Select how you want your pricing to be displayed to the client:
Price and Tax
Flight Cost
Full Line Items
Price Only
Language: Select from available languages
Contact Info: Choose if you want to display the contact information for either the user creating the quote or for your company.
Note: This can be set for all document by going to Company→Settings→ Reports→ Document Settings at the bottom of the page

Itinerary: Choose to display only passenger legs or the full itinerary including positioning legs.
Signature Line: Show or hide a signature line at the bottom of the quote
Footer Details: Show or hidea footer detail
Airport Name: Show or hide the full name of each airport
Aircraft Details:
Aircraft only: display only the tail number and aircraft type
Photos: display photos of the aircraft as well as the tail number and aircraft type
Photos and amenities: display all listed amenities for the aircraft as well as all the above information.
Photo Source:
Own Images: display photos of the aircraft that you have uploaded
Stock Photos: chose to display stock photos of the aircraft type
Use current settings for all future quotes (except quote report, contact info, and photo source): Check this box if you want to keep these settings and apply them to future quotes.
Note: As you make changes to your PDF you can update the preview that is displayed by clicking Save to see how the updates look.
Save when you are done making changes.
To email the completed quote to your client, click on the email button on the quote overview page.

Question: Can I display my quote on the calendar for my team to see?
Answer: Yes! On the quote overview page there is an option on the far right of each quote to show it on the calendar.
Question: Can I change the quote number?
Answer: Yes! Quote numbers can be customized from the quote overview page in the Trip Status section.

Question: The US Domestic Segment Fee is not populating on my retail quote.
Answer: The Schedaero system generated tax for US Domestic Segment Fees will recognize if your trip itinerary is going to an airport that has been designated as a “Rural Airport” by the Department of Transportation and is exempt from this tax.
A current list of rural airports can be found here:
Question: Can I see a history of saved versions of my quote?
Answer: Yes! When editing a quote there is + View History button at the top of the window that will show a list of every saved version of the quote for you to view.

Question: How do I add internal airport notes for a specific airport?
Answer: Use Quick Toolsto searchfor an airport. Enter your notes in the text box at the top of the screen and save. These notes will be visible to users on your account only.

Question: How do I change the Date and Time format on my quote?
Answer: The Date/Time settings on your Schedaero user profile are used to populate your quotes. To update the format, edit your user profile under People → Users, on the Personal Info page you can update the Date/Time settings and hit Save.
Question: Can I quote multiple aircraft?
Answer: Yes! On the quote overview page in the Aircraft section you can add additional aircraft to create quotes for.
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