In this article you'll find a step-by-step guide on why you should be using zone-based positioning for your fleet and how to set it up.
What is zone-based positioning used for?
Zone-based positioning enables you to define your own geographical areas and add an average positioning time to your trips, should you want to price your aircraft based on risk/ historical data rather than looking at the aircraft’s actual schedule location.
Your defined positioning time will be used to calculate the price of the Avinode requests you get. For example: if a zone map has both Paris and New York set up to charge 1h ferry, a trip New York → Paris would be calculated with 2 hours of Ferry, disregarding your actual schedule position.
How can I create and manage my zone-based positioning?
To complete the setup of your zone-based positioning and pricing, you’ll need to:
Create a new Map
Add and configure your Zones for this map
Replace your existing “positioning” price line item with the newly-created "zone-based positioning” item in your Pricing Profile(s).
Create a new Map
The is no limit to how many maps you can create. To create a new Zone Map, you’ll need to go under Company → Settings → Zone Maps then click "New":
Give a name for this specific map.
Note: We will re-use this name by default when creating the corresponding zone-based pricing option in your Company → Settings → Pricing page:
Maps based on seasonality or timing
You can set up several maps, for example based on seasonality. Ex.. you can have one map that applies for the “summer season” and another one for winter.
You can also choose to use zone-based positioning logic for requested trips that are >X days out in the future, but have Avinode look at the actual aircraft’s schedule location for trips taking place in the coming days.
It is up to you how you wish to use the zone maps for and when, based on your specific pricing needs.
Add and configure your Zones
You can create up to 10 zones in each map. To create a new zone from a specific map, click on “Add Zone”:
Pick a color, set the positioning time you want to apply for that zone and select your geographical areas (airports, US states, countries and/or regions).
TIP! Please note that you are also able to select countries and US states directly by clicking on the map itself.
The positioning time that you enter (Ex. 30 minutes in the below example) will be applied for trips FROM and TO each of these locations:
TIP! If you have a zone that includes a state, a country or a region, and have another one that includes specific airports located in the same area (in other words, if two zones "collide" with each other), you'll need to give a priority order by dragging and dropping the zones in the right order. You can always see which zone will be used for any given region by looking at the map
How will Zone-based positioning be used in Avinode?
Here is an example of a zone based map set up in Avinode:
In the above example:
If you get a "EGGW London - LEIB Ibiza" trip request (London being part of the Yellow zone and Ibiza belonging to the Purple zone, Avinode would add a total of 1 hour 30 minutes of chargeable positioning time for that trip (i..e. 30 minutes at departure + 1 hour at arrival).
If you get a "EGGW London - UUWW Moscow" trip request (both airports belonging to the Yellow zone this time), Avinode will then add a total of 1 hour chargeable positioning time for that trip (i.e. 30 minutes at departure + 30 minutes at arrival):
In Summary
Zone Map: A map where you can control the charged ferry times from/to specific airports, states, countries and regions. When you set up a zone map, you will add the ferry time you want for departure and arrival in each zone. For example: if a zone map has both Paris and New York set up to charge 1h ferry, a trip New York → Paris will be calculated with 2 hours of Ferry, disregarding your actual schedule position.
You can create up to 10 zones in each map, and the priority order starts from the top of the list. The is no limit to how many maps you can create. We will re-use your Zone Map name when creating the corresponding “zone-based positioning” item in your pricing options.
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