Here is a guide on how to upload pictures of your aircraft into Avinode. Photos of your aircraft is a must to promote it to the max!
In all places in Avinode where another member can find your aircraft, they can also see the pictures of your aircraft. Make sure they are nice and up-to-date. We recommend having at least one exterior photo, one interior photo and one floor-plan photo.
To Set up your Aircraft photos:
1. Go to the tab called Aircraft→Fleet
2. To add or update this information click on the pencil and paper icon next to each aircraft to edit. This will open to the aircraft basics page.
3. Go to the photos tab and click "Add photo" on the right side of the page. Here you will be able to select the file from your computer and upload it into Avinode.
The picture cant be too small to be uploaded in Avinode, so please chose a picture that has some nice resolution. Please note, the image can only be presented in a landscape orientation.
4. In this step, you decide what kind of picture it is.
5. Where should this picture appear? Make sure it is set to "public" for the picture to appear in Avinode when ever someone finds your aircraft in the search result.
Note-Schedaero users should select SchedAero Quote PDF and SchedAero Trip Sheets.
6. In the last step before saving and completing this process, you need to crop the picture. Drag the box in any direction to crop it as you wish. Click save in the bottom of the page and you are done!
Once you are back in the overview page of all your pictures, you can drag and drop the pictures to change the order they appear in.
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