So you need to add a new aircraft to the platform, there are a few ways to accomplish this.
The first way is by writing into or to your account manager directly and let them know what tail you need to add. We will need an AOC (or D085) with the ops specs pages where the tail number is listed. In addition you will need to provide us with the below details:
Tail Number:
Aircraft Type/Model:
Serial Number:
Manufacturing Year:
Home base:
Year of Make:
Max Range:
Max Pax:
Pax at Max Range:
Range at Max Pax:
Interior Refurbished:
Exterior Refurbished:
Is Owner Approval required: Yes/No?
Sending over this information we will then be able to add this aircraft to your account.
The other way to add an aircraft is to re-upload your certificate on your account and add the tail directly into the system. The steps for both US certificates and Europe/Middle East/Asia/Africa certificates are below!
Adding an updated/new certificate - USA
To add a new tail to your certificate you will first want to ensure the most updated D085 with that tail on it is uploaded to your account. To do so please follow the below steps:
1. Go to Company→Certificates to add a new or updated D085.
2. In the aircraft section, upload the new certificate by selecting Choose File. To expedite the verification process, please make sure to upload a PDF document with the FAA signature. Moreover, please make sure to only upload the D085 in this section.
3. Lastly, add the new aircraft by selecting add new aircraft. Enter the tail number, type, and serial number. Now select changes are on existing documents and hit save.
4. After you hit save, you will see a verification warning. Please allow up to 24 business hours for the Avinode team to verify and approve your new certificate.
Adding an updated/new certificate (AOC) - Europe, Middle East , Asia & Africa
To add a new tail to your certificate you will first want to update your own Air Operator Certificate with operation specifications, below are the steps to do so:
1. Go to the Company→ Certificate.
2. You will find an overview of your current certificate. To make updates, click on the little edit button on the right side of the page.
3. Go to the AOC section and click on Browse to upload your new, updated PDF version of your full AOC and Ops specs pages.
Note: All pages with the tail numbers of your fleet must be included, make sure you include all those pages with the first page of your AOC. If an aircraft which is active in Avinode is not included in the Operation Specifications pages, it cannot remain active in Avinode, so make sure all aircraft still on your AOC are listed in the ops specs provided.
4. If you need to make amendments to your fleet, you can add aircraft in two ways.
Either click on the link on the right, "Add new Aircraft," or, if you have already added it in SchedAero ie, it will be in your fleet list and you can then Select aircraft, in the Add existing aircraft section.
Add the tail number, type and serial number to your aircraft, scroll all the way to the bottom and click save.
Now, Avinode support staff will receive a notification that there is a new AOC uploaded for our review and approval. As soon as we have had a look at it and confirmed all is good, we will approve and the updates are live.
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